
“May God provide the spirit of Truth, Wisdom and Patience for all those who follow me on this journey”

This site is an Exegetical Biblical walkthrough of END-TIMES.

References and writings from 3rd Party Authors, Sources and Materials for specific subjects does not mean in any way, I endorse or agree with their complete POV or belief. Many have very good researched topics and rewriting their material would be unrealistic and time consuming.

When reading scripture, you should never have to overlook and put aside common sense and make excuses for scripture. It is not always scripture that is confusing but our preconceived notions and teachings.

There will be many references used that are for historic purposes and in no way am I claiming these over ride biblical truth. As we follow the study, with a proper understand of Gods word, history, reinforces what is written in scripture.

More importantly the jigsaw puzzle becomes unraveled and things become very clear and scripture will be opened up to you. Things that you once read with question are now clearer, when scripture is read properly.

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